Sunday, March 18, 2007

Mi Little Casa!!!!

I found this pic Rhett took of our little basement apartment at christmas time. There is some mess on the table so don't mind that but this is the living room. It is a 2 bedroom basement and is in Sandy. We love it for now.


Emily Blais said...

Yay for your blog! It is lookin good Nichole! I am impressed!! Your little house is so cute, I love it! I am so excited to read your blog and hopefully catch up on your life! BTW, ask Lindsey (newby) Sullivan about how to add your friends, she just figured it out, and I dont really know how I did mine, it just kind of happened. It takes a minute to figure it out, but you will! Anyway, Welcome!!

Camie said...

Nichole- Your house was so festive. I am excited for the new editions to your blog...

Anonymous said...

Nichole, I am sure you figured out the adding friends thing but....I noticed Brianna's blog won't pull up, you have the wrong address. It is iamahafen, you have iamhafen. That should do the trick. If you want them on the side of your page you just put in on the add a page element off to the side. I think you added you friends in the footer section? Anyway, you just click on the 'add a link' section and type in the url and what you want to call the link. Hope this helps. Em can make fun of me all she wants. I didn't know how to add friends for a month. She wasn't much help :P

Emily Blais said...

Linds, so what if I am a computer idiot. You are the one who spends all your time online......okay fine, so do I....dont make fun!