I for sure am a picture queen, Brianna said it and it is true. I snap like 100 pics every time I get out the camera and have a really hard time deleting them. So that's what the blog is for, post them I guess. Not much else I can do with them really. This is my way of scrapbooking anyway and I will print this off someday and be happy I did it! Hope you enjoy the overload of pics!!!

Rhett took some of me and Ever today, I love every minute I spend with her, she is such a joy!!!

I can't get enough of this face, I see a lot of Rhett when I look at her, and I love it!

Her personality seriously cracks me up, she is hilarious and so adventurous, almost a bit to much!

I straightened Ever's hair the other day, it lasted like 2 hours then was curly again, what the heck? Made her look older I think though!

I could hang out with this little guy all day, he is so sweet and cuddly, I wanna squeeze him and kiss him non stop. How could you not love that little face?

Look at his lips, lucky little boy.

Some times we trade babies, it is not really a fair trade, but Tara is nice to give me a rest sometimes, she knows how hyper my little one is. Thanks Tara, I love you and Tegan to death!
I'm glad you look like a freaking super model everyday of your life, your hair, your makeup...seriously, bite me! I look like a freaking jett puffed marshmallow in my black spandex and TumbleAmerica shirt everyday! I love Ever's piggies, they are very cute on her. I can't believe her hair is really that curly, I like it. Tegan is seriously so beautiful...like a really, really pretty boy. I want to kiss his lips! I wish we were neighbors:(
I always love the picture overload:) isn't that what a blog is for??
k, totally jealous of Ever's curly hair - i wanted ivy to inherit Chris' natural curl but she didn't get a lick of it.
I agree with Brianna. You always look GORGEOUS! So does Ever of course. She takes after her mommy. How fun that Tara has a baby too and they can play together, especially when they get older. I wish I could get liv's hair into pigtails, let alone get it to keep some curl! Being a mom is great isn't it?
Thats so fun that you and Tara get to hang out everyday! Ever looks like she has so much hair when it's straightened so cute! I still like it curly though! I wanna squeeze Tegan he is so flippin cute! Cute pictures!
oh my gosh when did Tegan get so big, he is SO dang cute! and I loved Ever's little pig tails! they make her look so grown up! she is such a little girl now! and the pictures of both of you are beautiful!
You and Tara make the cutest little mommy sisters it's crazy.
What cute kids!
Ever is a fire cracker isn't she! I'd love to spend time around her. She looks like she is a crack up for sure.
Blink, and she'll be 2!!! NOt kidding!
Ps, yeterday at gabs party I filled 2 memory cards up! Pictures are the only evidence of memories! Click til you can't click anymore I say!
I love the picture overloads! She is seriously so adorable it would be hard NOT to take so many pics! I LOVE her curly hair. Enjoy it, it might not last forever. Jace's didn't :(
I just had to leave another comment, after reading your post it has made me feel a lot better ever time I take out the camera and fire away! It helps to know I am not the only one that takes way too many pictures! thanks!
such cute little ones in your family!! and Ps- you are so stinkin gorgeous!! Are you doing st george this year?? and did you hear Meredith had a baby boy a few months ago?
You can NEVER take too many pictures of your kids! Especially when they are as stinkin' cute as Ever! She is sooooooo adorable! And I love her hair straight! I am just impressed that she sits still long enough to let you straighten it! Ooooh....she is smooooooshy adorable! Thanks again for the cute cute outfit for Olivia! Now we just need to get her the heck here already!
I am that way too...take a million pictures. My husband just sighs when I take out the camera. You do have a darling daughter
And when you are older, you will probably feel as if you didn't take enough! I am a lover of her piggies!!
I love that you capture like every second of her life. And how in the frizzeak to you and Ever always look so adorable. My girls have boogers and snot running down their faces with peanut butter and jam smeared on the shirts and forget keeping pig tails in, they are ripped out about two seconds after I put them in. Anyways kudos to you...Ever is beautiful jus tlike her mommy.
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