Tuesday, May 8, 2007

I love STG!!!!!

Do you like the prom pose?? It is pretty cool!

I love this picture, Tara is my fav!!!

My husband has the biggest butt!!! I luf it!!!

We all did the prom pose in this one, um, these pics are bad!

Um, we are dorks, don't ask about the poses!!!!
I dont know how this happened, all the sudden we were wrestling, I won of course!!!

Troy insisted I take this, he just wouldn't let down!!! hahahahahah (he is gonna hate me)
So all the pictures today are a little weird, but I am sick of just standing there and smiling, gets old, so we were all complete dorks in these pics but it was fun, some how Tara and I ended up wrestling, don't ask how, I don't know! It was a fast trip but fun! My father in law took us out a couple time, we went to the Golden Spoon, EEEEWWWWW, well not really but it was not what I expected at all, and went to my dad's! Tara and I also go to go for a run, the weather was perfect. Pasta was fun with everyone who made it, you are all so cute, and your kiddies are amazing, Drew and Hunter could not be any cuter babies! I can't wait to have my own! Kasey is the cutest pregnant girl ever, it is weird to see her that way! Anyway, great trip, I think the highlight was watching the JAZZ GAME with Tara and Troy, that game was awesome! Well enjoy the pics, Lindsey we missed you at lunch I am sorry you are sick, that is not fun! Get feeling better, and to everyone one else that couldn't make it, we missed you a lot!!!!


Anonymous said...

Nice pics! I like when people can be sarcastic. Pictures all start looking the same otherwise.
You sisters are so cute! And your hubbies aren't bad either = Cute babies!
Both of you need to get prego at the same time.

Jocelyn said...

Golden Spoon Rocks! Nice prom pose with tara by the way! I always loved the ole arm around the waste at prom time....awkward!

Troy and Tara Barnes said...

I am not sure why in every picture it looks like I am sticking my chest out probably cause my step mom said stick your boobs out and it looks like I am the only one that did it how embarassing!! I love the one of Troy he kept asking me when that was going to be posted he couldn't wait to see it!! (not) he will be embaressed to but oh well he is cute!!

Camie said...

That picture of Troy is hilarous! Definite kodak moment. Looks like fun. IT was so fun to see you Nichole at Pasta. You crack me up.


U to Cam!!! It feels like I haven't seen you forever, I think it was like Laura's wedding for like 2 seconds, sad.

Tara, lets take lindsey up on the baby thing, what do you think? Is Troy gonna be mad??

Troy and Tara Barnes said...

That sounds good to me I do not think Troy will be mad maybe I can just trick him!! I want a baby bad how are you going to have one after Rhett leaves I guess we will have to wait until October or something!!

Anonymous said...

YES!!!!!!!!!! Go with my idea! Prego together with someone is the BEST!

Anonymous said...

it was so fun to see both you and tara. we need to do it agagin. by the way loved the pictures. and tara don't feel bad about the boob thing we all wish we just had some.

Kelli Eudis said...

Okay I hate you both, you and your sister are gorgeous!! Sounds like you guys had a good time. And yes, I am having a girl.

Kelli Eudis said...

Yeah PS..Tara, your boobs look huge. Maybe I should try the whole sticking my chest out at all times, then you might be able to see that I really do have them :)

~..kass..~ said...

Yes the pic's are great and Tara's boobs also great, oh what 2 kids will do to them (sigh)

Anonymous said...

Nichole, I found this website and thought if I could ever get my butt in gear I would go run with this group. if you are ever down here and wanna go run they meet up all the time. Check out this site.