Rhett's work took everyone to the bees game on labor day. It was pretty fun, can't say I watched any of the game, it was nice not having to sit in seats though. There is no way that would happen with Ever, she has to be going going all the time. Sometimes I wish she never wanted off my lap or out of my arms, then I love that she is so curious and adventurous, it is so her.

that night we went to the gateway for fun, of course all the stores were closed, so we just ate. this is Ever right before we left, super tired. She fell asleep, and slept the whole time in the stroller, and went to bed right when we got home. the game and fun day really wore her out, it was nice to have her asleep during dinner, we got to sit and eat for once.

Ever thinks her new penguin jammies are pretty cool. she tears her jammy drawer apart looking for the duck jammies, they are to small so I thought I would try to replace them with some other animals, I think these are cuter.

She was not to thrilled about the fountain this time. Pretty sure she remembers the time she got drenched in her clothes and it scared her because she wasn't expecting it and didn't know it was coming. I will have to take her a few more times so she isn't scared. she looks so stinking cute in her swimsuit though, so I took too many pictures of it.

Here is Ever doing her alphabet sounds. She is so funny and is so distracted all the time, I am quite amazed I got her to do them all at once. I love this little girl, she amazes me so much every day, and is getting so old. I can pretty much talk to her like she is a big girl and she understands and answers back like she is 4 years old. She is so funny!
*** We took family pics this weekend, not sure they will turn out, Ever was not digging it, but I

cant wait to see them. They were kind of spur of the moment, I traded with a great photographer, I did her hair she takes our pics, best deal I think! I really hope we get a couple cute ones, she is so talented and I hope Ever sat still long enough to get something good! Cross your fingers. I sure am! *****
Oh my holy cute!! Ahhh. I want to see you two and hang out with you so much! Seriously, will we get to do that again some time in our life? I miss you. I am so so impressed that she has her sounds memorized.
Isn't Letter Factory the BOMB!!!! LOVE it:)
Have you gotten the new leap frog movie that just came out? It's awesome too! It's more like shapes and colors and #s my kids love it! She is gonna be a smarty pants! Love all the pictures!
oh my gosh!! love it! William sat on my lap and watched in amazment and tried to copy a few things, she is so good! Im impressed! loved it!!
I love all her hair! Cutest baby hair ever! She takes after her momma on that ;)
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