Thursday, March 12, 2009

brand new baby!

pretty and brand new!


Evans said...

Oh I couldn't help but laugh at that post I know you don't thinks it's funny but I promise every kid goes through a phase similar to that! We r all about disapline at our house so I would try all the things you have tried but just be consistent with them. She is almost one and I don't think there is anything wrong with showing them who is boss at that age because they will get the hit sooner or later I promise! For me spanking works and my kids know when I'm mad and they back down very fast from what they are doing so they don't have to get a spankin! It sucks to do but my kids are better behaved because I put them in their place!

erica said...

oh man, i sure can wait for this stage...i know who to come for advice when ivy starts bullying. good luck!!

Julie said...

Oh cute EVER!!! She is just doing what most little one year olds do! :) Just be patient with her! I am not a spanker...for sure! We have a naughty stair that sometimes works...just to take her away from the situation. The best thing you can do when she throws tantrums is just to walk away and COMPLETELY IGNORE!! I took the Love and Logic courses when McKaylee was about 15 months old and I was at my wits end! They helped me soooo much! They just teach you great ways to discipline...without anger! Which is so tricky! Good luck! You are doing great!

Kelli Eudis said...

Hey Nichole,

Don't worry, it happens with so many kids. They all have these unique personalities. I think probably the best thing to do would be to remove her from the situation, tell her it's not okay. Ya know, things like that. You HAVE to be consistent though every time she does it. It'll pass I promise. Maybe not as soon as you'd like, but it does!

Heather Humphries said...

I loved reading this post just cause it is great when Mom's speak the truth about things. Oh sorry...remember me? HI.
Kendall went through this stage. Once she hit me on the face and I pretended to cry. She felt so bad she hugged me and started crying too. The stage will pass. Ever is so adorable!!

~..kass..~ said...

It is a little funny, maybe for those of us that are not the mama :) I would ignore, or try to divert her attention. She may get her "terrible two's" a bit early. Ir it could be that she is a girl lol Good luck!

Marla said...

I am sorry but I am busting a gut right now. That just gave me the worst flash backs of Makaela at that age, oh wait, still. I so wish I had some miracle advise but if I did my kids would be angels. I do love you though and as much as you may think that you are a bad mom as I did you are not, kids are just very determined and I think girls are harder. sorry, I want to come see you and Tara next time I am up there, I am planning a trip.

Ashlynn {mamabear} said...

Oh I think it is pretty normal because Lucy can be a pill too. Happy 1 year olds.

Camie said...

Nichole, my advice for you is she is just one...I don't think discipline is the issues. She is still just figuring things out. I would say it is just a phase...and let me tell you there will be many more phases to come. SOme you LOVE and some that will bring more tears. You just have to do your best. There is no secret. You do what you can handle and thats all. Just remember that these 'phases' are no reflection of what kind of a mother you are. This too shall pass...

Derek and Tomi said...

well sorry to say... but that is very normal! every child goes through it. you just got to hang on and not try and kill your child :) the best thing that worked for my little boy when he started hitting and being angry. i would have to leave the place i was at. if i were at my sisters and he hit his cousin than i would say "one more time and were leaving" he would do it again and than i would pick him up and leave. now he knows i really mean it when i say one more time. we put him in time out but it doesnt work. she has to have a consequince to her actions. when you tell her your going to put her in time out or spank her for hitting than do it. or else she will think you dont hold her accountable for anything and she can get away with anything she wants to. or try taking away her favorite toy.

sorry its long but i hope that helps. but i would not worry you are an awesome mom and ever will get through it!

The Jones Family said...

I do think it is a phase but I think if you ignore it or don't do anything she will get worse. We started time outs a long time ago and they seem to work and now Hailey is the sweetest nicest kid to be around. I do think some kids personalities are harder than others but I don't think that is just how they are. You have to be firm and consistent. We have never spanked Hailey I think there are better ways. Good luck it is hard I know...

Long Family said...

Carli went through that, and now Jace is doing it. It's so frustraing! Just be consistent and make sure you follow through with what you say. If you tell her you're going to take something away make sure you do! Codys HORRIBLE at that and sometimes I feel like I'm making progress and then he un-does all my work. She'll grow out of it! I think it's kind of a learning stage. They're just trying to figure things out. You're a great mom, don't stress. :)

Megan Andersen said...

I think alot of it just comes with the age...which is hard because what do ya do? Now if it was my 3 year old behaving that way...I would not stand for it. I don't know what to tell ya...just keep doing what your doing...hopefully she will grow out of it sooner rather then later.

Heather Stott said...

nic your a good mom lets just put that out there! maybe she is jelous of seeing you with Tegan, and this is her acting out for attention?! maybe not.. sorry love, I would say consistancy is the key but finding out what works for one child may not work for another, so trial and error and stick with what works and give her a WHY, like why she shouldn't or can't. sorry hun, your a sweet heart though! said...

She is so darling! Tell MArci to sent me an invite would ya! We miss you guys.

Leah said...

Sorry, it's so hard when they start to act out and get their little fiesty personalities... discipline is different with every child. She is still so young, I think ignoring the tantrums is probably best at this point. She is so cute, can't believe she is one! BTW I love your blog header pic of Ever.