Anyways, two of my cousins asked me to take pictures on sunday. We started with my cousin Melesa's family. It was her, her hubby Jeff, and her three step daughters, Ashley and Danielle, who are twins, and Emily. It was a lot of fun and we stumbled across this place on accident, and ended up staying there the whole time. Aren't those 3 girls darling, they actually came up with all the ideas mostly and were fun to photograph. I tell everyone that I dont have the training, knowledge or equipment, so please don't expect much. But I do love it and will capture you as well as i can!
After that family my other cousins showed up,different side of the family, with the color they were wearing and being that they didn't know eachother, I really wanted to go back to that spot. I have never done this before, didn't even realize I had filled my whole card up, and had no back up. We had to use Tara's camera for a but which I am not familiar with, those pics are good, a little blurry since I don't know the settings as well, but it was nice to have it. We wandered over to an old museum. It is no longer in use, but the owner called it his front lawn. He has absolutely no signs posted that say no trespassing, but felt that he should call the cops on us. We werent doing anything wrong, we were not even touching the stupid building, our car was parked on the road and we were always in plain sight. Some people are crazy. His wife was taking our pictures, it was hilarious. He said he was a cop, the cops showed up and said, they are not doing anything wrong, you have no signs, and they let us go. wow, all that over a old abandoned building. We got some darling shots though. Bryce is a senior so we did his pictures for that. Then snapped some family ones. I remember bryce and britney as babies, it is so sad they are this old. They used to come stay with us all the time, and I truly feel like they are my little brother or sister.

The Loosle Clan



You seriously do such an amazing job!! I love them!
I already told you I loved them...but the one of the two girls from Melesa's family is my favorite! The one where they are face to face.
Good Job!
You did a great job they looks really nice.
Some great pics Nichole. I am like you, I love taking pictures but don't think I will ever be a real photographer. Its fun to just get creative.
Are you serious?? I will be in town over Christmas, can I book my time then?! lol Honestly you take amazing pics!
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