In 9 1/2 fast months my baby has gone from itty bitty to a big girl, literally! She is still 97th percentile for her height which is 30 inches now, and down to 70th percentile for weight which is 21.5 lbs, still so big though. She is the same size as most the little kids at church that are like 16 months. She is so fun though and so healthy, we are so blessed. I love when people ask if she was a big baby at birth. I say no, she was 7 lbs 4 oz, and came home at 6 lbs 13oz. 10 days later she was 9 lbs 2 oz. She grows so fast, it is kinda sad, my baby is no longer a baby. I am so glad I get to have more, I love the baby phase. I must admit though, she cracks me up and I love every stage.

This is Ever at 5 days, skinny little thing. All the pictures to follow are before she was even 3 months most 4 to 8 weeks! Amazing how chunky she was, she almost looks uncomfortale, its hilarious. I was looking through all my hundreds of pictures, just laughing, she was so chunky. I miss it, I could eat her up.

This is like 5 weeks

This is 8 weeks old

this is 7 weeks old

This is 8 weeks old, she looks so mad!
Everyone who thinks your baby is getting big so fast, remember they could grow like this, double their birth weight in 8 weeks, amazing. Oh I love her.
Oh my heck! She seriously is the cutest!!! I love the one of her on the ground where it looks like she is talking on the phone! She is so beautiful!!
Okay, I guess my baby isn't big! She weighs 9lbs 4oz today at 1 month old. Ever pulls off the chunky monkey very well. I could eat her up too:) I SO hope I get to see you this week.
It was fun seeing you guys the other night! She is definately ADORABLE! Babies are so fun and yes they definately get big too fast!
She is so cute! I can't believe how old she is already, time is so not on the mommy's side :( it goes WAY too fast!!!
ivy is not too far behind! i love the picture where she looks "uncomfortable" funny! chunky is so much more fun to snuggle. ever is darling!
They grow up so fast! She is so dang Cute!
What a doll she is! Im so glad I got to spend some time with you guys, its was so much fun! Love the bow in the first pic very cute! :)
I LOVE the bathing suit picture! Just one chunky baby for me--that's all I ask?!! I LOVE them!!
I love that pose in the top picture!
Yes, she looks a tad uncomfortable in her thick coat of chub!!! She is so flippin cute.
It was fun to see you for 2 seconds this week. Ever is a such a doll and growing way fast for sure.
Kyler is 23 lbs now so I feel ya. He is just barely 9 months. Reagan was the same way...grew so fast. With Reagan I was okay with it because she was my first. I just want Kyler to stay little forever
She is so cute and has grown so fast! I know where does the time go? Before you know it she will be one and walking around getting into everything. I have that little brown onesie for Hailey- love it. You always have her dressed so cute!
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