Thursday, June 28, 2012

Westbrook @ 18 months

sweetest face ever

one of his motorcycles, he calls it ride

very determined to go again

so mad his turn was over

sat here forever
first day of nursery, such a big kid. Sissy wanted to show him around nursery! Love her!
Another month has really come
I am not going to over think this and just write some of my favorite things he does right now
and pretend he isn't 18 months

This kids is growing so fast
he says something new everyday
he is puting words together
saying so many animal sounds
mastered the word MINE (which i dislike so much)
He gives the best loves and kisses
he likes to dance
he is always doing this little gallop run
he is a busy body
somedays he eats so well
somedays he refuses
he does insist on feeding himself
he loves to be outside
and finally stopped running for the road everytime
he loves to swim
he has to be face to face pretty much to fall asleep at night
at nap time he goes down like a champ
He loves to wear hats
he is obsessed with motorcycles
he throws some serious tantrums
He is so so stubborn and strong, getting him in his carseat sometimes is almost impossible
He loves avacado, any fruit, most veggies I have him try and popsicles are his favorite! 

He started nursery on sunday
I was teaching that day and couldn't check on him
and hardly had time to think about how he was doing
they said he was great
he cried when Rhett picked him up actually
Makes me happy, and I hope it lasts

He was great for the doctor
his stats are
32 1/4 in 98%
27.4 lbs 68%
head 19 3/4 96%

I think he isnt gaining much weight because he was super fussy and picky about his food the weeks leading up to the doc. Since then he has been eating tons! not sure what that was about!

1 comment:

Staci said...

So stinking cute!!!!