She is almost outgrowing 2T clothes
She is pretty tall for her age still
She looks 3 or older to a lot of people
She is talking up a storm. We have full on conversations, she understands everything I say.
I still can't believe she is only 2 sometimes
She loves loves loves TV. It is nice occasionally but sometimes its a little excessive how much she asks.
Her favorite shows are Dora still, Yo Gabba Gabba, Max and Ruby, Dragon Tales and pretty much anything else.
We are loving princesses right now, Beauty and the Beast has been played a lot lately, she still loves Cinderella but lost it.
She Loves water, sprinklers, pools, the hose, baths, wherever she can get it she wants it.
She is a pretty good eater, although I am not sure how she gets enough, I can really only get her to eat a lot if she is watching a movie.
Her hair is so long all the sudden. I want it to get longer though, the top is straight and the bottom is curly, as sad as it is I need to cut the curls off because it is bugging.
She sleeps a little better, but she sleeps with us. Not sure how we are going to transition to another one around here at bed time.
She wants to do most everything by herself.
Loves her toe nails being painted, and wearing lipstick.
Can entertain her self pretty good, doesn't really play well with other kids yet.
We are working on that, she needs friends I tell her so we will see how it goes! haha
Can be so sweet sometimes, gives me loves and kisses
Can be so crazy other times, sometimes I just walk away because it is funny and I dont want her to see me laughing.
Is definitely the light of her dad's life. He is so in love with her, and you can tell.
She likes to dance and sing.
Great traveler in the car.
She is finally getting more cautious and doesn't run away from me, she stays close.
Loves to get dirty, rocks and dirt are her thing.
Shows little to no interest in potty training.
Loves sweets and cookies
Drinks mostly water, chocolate milk and apple juice.
Keeps us laughing all the time.
Makes us so happy
Makes us proud
Makes us cry
Makes me want to be a better person.
She is my life, I love her so much and am so happy to be her mommy!
love that second picture. she is so adorable! she's going to be a great big sister.
when do you find out what your having? two girls is so much fun...but to have one of each would be so fun too! when it comes to babies, who cares the gender?
hope your feeling better.
they really are amazing...
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