First off I want to tell my hubby happy 26th bday, and 4th anniversary! He is getting so old, haha! I love him so much, I can't believe it has been twelve years of Rhett, if that makes sense. Once he entered my mind he never left. I knew there was something about him, and I was right. He is perfect for me, he makes me so happy, and makes me want to be a better person. I was so lost without him. Seriously, the time I spent without him was so hard. I felt like something was missing. I know we are together now because we are meant to be. I can't imagine my life without him. Being apart helped me realize that and the thought of him not being in my life makes my stomach a mess. I am so lucky to have him. I don't really have a place I feel like I call home, or where I grew up. But wherever I am now, I am home because I am with him, and Ever of course. I love that we have a child together. I have pictured it a thousand times, but its way better than I could have imagined, she is both of us. It's so amazing to me, and I love to see him in her, I will always have a piece of him that way, it makes me so happy. He is the best husband and daddy and knows me so well. He makes me laugh, and smile everyday, and is perfect for me. Happy birthday Rhett and anniversary, I love you more than anything.

I can't believe we have been married 4 years, it is so crazy to me. I feel like it just happened!

Look at Ever getting snuggled by her daddy, she loves him!!!

Sometimes she looks just like Rhett, this is one of those times to me, twins!

Family portrait, we took ourselves, losers huh!!!

She knew just what to do on the carousel, she held on and was ready to go!

Maybe I had more fun than her.

I love her in a high chair, it makes her seem old though!

Jenn and Dilynne, who is still tiny and sleeps all the time!

Ever on her new blanky her auntie Tara made her, the other side is black and white polka dots, and it is so cute, she loves it!
We went to Hollywood land the other night with my cousin Jenn, and her husband Casey,their baby Dilynne, and she was my other cousins, Ashley, Chandler and Andrew. We had a lot of fun, played laser tag, rode rides, and lots of other stuff. It was fun, Ever had fun, but by the end she had had it, good thing we had a video for her to watch on the way home, she was out. Baby Einsteins are the best, have I said that? I swear they save us a lot of times, she loves them!