She really isn't posing yet, but the picture of us in the yard, she looks like she knew it was time to smile for a picture, so funny!
We have her eight week appt. on wednesday, not very excited for all the shots, they want her to get 4 different ones, what shots did you all get for your children? Are they all necessary?
I am anxious to find out what the rash is all over her face. It is tiny red bumps and her face feels so rough, and dry. It is peeling, and when she is hot it is so red, it seems to be getting worse to. I hate it, the poor thing got my skin.
Everything else is good, I sold my little car and we got this one, I love it, it is so much easier to get Ever in it and it has power locks, which my cobalt did not have. I am excited, best part is the price is about the same, so the car payment is so low.
We are supposed to be going to stg this friday and staying until monday. But Rhett's work decided he could not have it off, we are still trying to come though, he is working on it. I am so bummed, I want to come so bad, we have so many family members we want to see and they have not seen Ever since she was a newborn, I hope it works out, I will be so sad if I can't!
p.s. Next post will not be about EVER!!!
She is getting so FAT! I love it!
Love all the pictures your are so good at updating your blog. So exciting for you to get a new car- I need an SUV ASAP the car just doesn't work with a car seat. I am holding out until I can get exactly what I want. Ever is such a cutie. About the shots I think it's VERY important for them to get their shots, Hailey has had all of hers. If you think of all the risks of disease they could get without shots, I think they are necessary. And now that some people aren't getting their kids vaccinated I think that makes it more important.
She is so adorable! So glad I could meet her in person!
Lex got all his shots at his 2 months appointment too. Well actually he was sick so I did half then and the others a few weeks later. I talked to my Pediatrician about them and felt alot better!! Ask yours before she gets her shots! I was worried too! BUT I think the are very important... I would hate for my little man to get some disease that could have been prevented!
I will cry harder if you can't come.. Tell Vance I am mad at him very mad! Ever is changing so much and getting so big I can't believe it and is so hard to miss all of it I can't stand it! Love ya hopefully you can still come...
She is so cute! I love when they smile for pictures. I like the new car too, SUVs are so nice with kids you will love it! I got all of Elle's shots right when she was supposed to get them and yes they will have 4 each time up untill 6 months and then wont get anymore till 1 year and those are very tramatic just wait. I think shots are very important but some people are totally againt them until they reach 1 year of age. So its totally your preference.
That top picture is SO cute you need to frame it! And your mom looks so great! Cute car, the SUV is a great way to go, I love mine :)
As far as the shots.... I have my kids shots spread out quite a bit. Autism runs in my family and too many of us have done research that shows all those shots at once can be harsh in SOME kids not all :) Kenton was affected and when I watch his home videos the progress he had been making around the time some shots were issued degressed. I Know that vacc. are good but the shots are out of control! When you do research and see how many more kids are getting now so fast compared to when we were little... wow. Again don't mean to freak you out it is not ALL kids just some that are affected. Do some research it never hurts :)
PS sorry this is SO long, it just "hits" with me :)
Nichole don't stop posting about Ever. I love watching her grow. Maybe her rash is a heat rash???
Nichole, I would say as far as shots go...get them. It is sad to watch but I think it better to have them then not (just my opinion)! I love her little smile. She is so sweet, and yes she is getting so fat. I wish Livvy would plump up a little bit. I love rolley polley babies.
Oh my Hell I love her and wanna squeeze her chub!! :)
look how chuncky! she is adorable, we love seeing her pictures! Don't worry about posting too much about her, she is your life right now and that is ok! We all love it!
Ever is so.. cute and you look great! It has been forever since I have seen you. I saw your sis at Contempo when we were picking out our tile. How are you? Hope all is well, just wanted to say HI!
That's funny that you would remember that. That's the main memory I have of hanging out with you too. It seems so long ago. Before we know it our babies will be in grade school Ever is such a doll! Baby girls are so fun. I'm glad you found my blog. Stay in touch!
Oh my crud! She is a DOLL! I wanna SQUEEZE her! I LOVE that first picture of you 2! You look fabulous btw!
Get the is sad but you gotta do it. 30 min b4 you take her give her a teeny bit of tylenol. It always helped andrew.
She looks exactly like you in the first picture! I don't think you should stop posting about her she's so cute.
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