Westbrook at 4 months

He is still the best little guy
He sleeps like a champ at night
I put him in his bed awake most the time and he just goes to sleep
he likes his binky when he is falling asleep
he likes to sleep on his side
he spits up a lot
the doc gave us some medicine to try
he is sitting up already for short periods of time
he is not a fan of rolling from back to belly
he can go from belly to back though
he gets scared easily
he smiles at everyone
he grabs my face with both hands and puts his face to mine
it is so cute
he pulls my hair constantly
not so cute
he is wearing mostly 6 month or bigger clothes
size 2 shoes
and size 2 diapers
may need to go up a size though
he loves to play with toys
he can hold his bottle for short periods sometimes
he puts his binky in his mouth sometimes also
he did well at the doc
barely cried for his shots
he is
17 lb 14 oz 94%
and 26 in 86%
head was 43cm 76%
I have to cut his fingernails a couple times a week
he scratches his face all the time
he is not very good in the car right now
We love our little Westy!
We are so glad he is in our lives.
Our family wouldn't be the same with out him
He is such a good baby, I know I say that all the time
but I mean it.
Now if I could just freeze time so he would be my baby forever!

He has the darkest eyes and hardly and white
he looks like a teddy bear to me

Has some little teeth starting to come through on the bottom so he is always so wet from drool and always chewing on something.

He is such a flirt. His eyes totally change when he smiles and he tries to hide his face

His hair is so crazy and I don't know what to do with it.

He loves to play in the standing toy thing.

He loves his daddy

These are from my phone, not the best quality. I love this picture, I think he is sick of me taking his picture.

I still can't believe how much he looks like his daddy. They are twinners!

Just for fun, a picture of Ev about the same age. She was so much chubbier looking but weighed less. I think they look a lot different. West has more hair and it is straight, hers was curly. Her face is round like mine, West has Rhett's face shape. His eyes are much darker to, I am pretty sure they will be brown like his dad.
I like to compare sometimes, it is funny to see how different they are, sometimes I think I see a lot of Ever in West though.