Friday, January 28, 2011

photo shoot

When Westbrook was a week and a half we got these pictures done by my friend Heidi. I love them!

Friday, January 14, 2011

things they do..............


-Now is fully potty trained. I couldn't be more proud, she finally decided to do it and it has been so easy. Not a single accident in 3 days. She even makes it through the night and naps.

-She naps so well, crawls right into bed, gets a story read to her and goes to sleep no problems.

-She loves to read. She pays such close attention to every word and can memorize a book pretty much perfect. You would think she can read, but she memorizes it along with which picture I think. She is such a smart little fart.

-She colors so good, she is learning to stay in the lines, and colors for a very long time. She can draw smiley faces and spiders and a few other things. We are working on an E. She does a line with about 10 other lines instead of 3. It is cute.

-She is so nice to her brother, loves him and gives him his binky and toys when he is crying.

-She looks so cute in her panties. I love it.

-She wants chocolate milk every morning.

-She gets on the potty all by her self. She tells me when she is done to get wiped.

-When she does something naughty she says are you happy or sad at me!


-This little guy is already 11 lbs at 4 weeks today!

-outgrown newborn clothes and newborn diapers.

-0 to 3 month clothes are snug.

-eats so much, he usually is not satisfied with 4 oz. he can take 5 or 6. It is breast milk, I pump and breastfeed and he doesnt care which way, just as long as he gets it.

-He hurts me really bad still when he eats, I was hoping it would get better but he is a fierce eater. Thanks heavens he will take the milk out of a bottle to give me a little break here and there. All though pumping is a pain.

-He poops so stinking much. And it gets on him a lot, usually we go through 3 or more outfits a day. Hopefully bigger diapers will help.

-He sleeps like a champ. Usually goes to bed at 9 or 10 wakes up to eat between 1 and 2. then again at 5 and 8. He stays awake for about an hour after he eats then cries to go back to sleep.

-He is not crying during his bath anymore, but cries the second I get him out until he is dressed and being held. That is the hardest he cries. He screams when he gets lotion on him, like turns purple.

-Hasnt lost to much hair, I am so worried he will get that bald spot in the back of his head, but I don't know how to prevent it so I better get over it. It still sticks straight up, especially right after it is washed, it is so fluffy.

-Super snuggly and loves to sleep face to face with me.

-Truly is such a great mellow baby, I feel so lucky.

I truly couldn't love these 2 more if I tried!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

@ 2 weeks

This little man is not so little anymore. He is growing like a weed. At his check up he has gained a little over 2 pounds and over an inch in length. I seriously have super milk and super hungry babies! He is doing great though!

Weight: 10 lbs 3 oz 86%
Height: 22 3/4 in. 98%
head was in the 50%

This girl is the best big sister! Love her to death!